Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Dino Tsibouris

Ken Sperl

Kelly Prior

Mehmet Munur

Previous Posts
- MT Law moves to Firefox
- eWeek article on blogspot and spyware
- Blogspot and referrer spammers
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The problem goes beyond simple spyware: contrary to its own TOS page ( obscenity is not allowed. However, when following out the "Next Tag" from my new blog, I stumbled onto a Brazilian site publishing XXX porn, including some that appeared to involve underage (by US standards) participants.
Further checking suggests that 1 - 3 % of Blogspot sites contain, or directly promote, hardcore porn. This is probably not what the many 'see-my-new-baby' bloggers planned for Grandma to encounter when they setup their weblog on Blogspot. In addition, Googling reveals widespread "Next Tag" spamming via porn sites that have no content except links to hardcore sites. Your earlier post identified another type of "Next Tag" spammers. No doubt there are still more categories not yet publicly identified.
Still, with the problems so common among Blogspot's hosted sites, it's hard to imagine that they could be unaware of the issues. One has to wonder if they are playing the ATT-pink-contract game: taking money from porners and spammers, at least till the PR effects get unbearable!
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