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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Writing FAST

Writers Block! That's why I haven't posted to the MT Law Blog in a few weeks. I've had a couple of draft posts, but never finished them. Now, they're stale news. It's the same with my many screenplay projects growing cobwebs in my computer hard drive. Hopefully, help is on the way. I am reading Writing FAST: How to Write Anything with Lightning Speed.

Writing FAST was written by Jeff Bollow, award-winning filmmaker, acclaimed screenwriting teacher, and founder of Screenplay.com.au.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read that book, too, and thought it was excellent. The Focus and Apply sections are the best. They got me past my writer's block.

Since I don't see any more writing on your blog, I think maybe you didn't take it on board. Let go of the Critic! Remember what Jeff says, that ideas spark ideas. So just write, and it'll take you where you need to go. If I can do it, you can too.

9:43 AM  
Blogger me said...

Thanks for the encouragement. Actually, I've been posting on a semi-regular basis. Just click on the main page to see the other posts.

I love the book as well and agree that the Focus and Apply sections are the best. I'm glad the book has helped you. I'd love to read what you've got when you're done.

10:42 AM  

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